We use an MDM tool and Apple supervision to lockdown your phone

We prevent application downloads by using an Mobile Device Management (MDM) tool. This is different from screentime apps and makes it impossible for the user to remove the service; however, there are downsides to this approach.

What is a Mobile Device Management (MDM) tool?

MDM tools are traditionally used by organizations to manage devices used by their employees. MDM tools allow organizations to set data security restrictions, blocklist apps/websites, and keep software up to date.

MDM tools give administrators significant control over the devices that are managed. This makes trust essential when allowing an external firm to manage your device.

How does App Peace use MDM

By using App Peace, you are allowing App Peace to administer and restrict your device so that distracting apps and websites can not be added. Our actions are limited to the following items:

What doesn't App Peace do

Trusting us with your device is an incredible responsibility that is taken very seriously. App Peace is administered in a way so that we don't invade privacy or exercise too much control over your device.